Our DNA is co-creating future by serving biological sequences. Since 2000, in the times of full-time scientific research, we have developed tools and approaches to backup results from experimental biology by statistical significant sequence data. Fully generalized models do not crystallize top-down, building a pool of data from closely related data and adding a few outgroups, but from bottom-up: first representing and then fine-graining diversity.
Our vision is to provide you the best reference data possible and available worldwide so that you get more and most out of your valuable data, that you become able to distinguish true and false positives and negatives, so that you finally get a better and more complete understanding of the center of your research.
We are computational biologists, programmers and machine learning experts who have developed a platform and database to provide you the best genome annotations possible. We are scientists and researchers translating the molecular basis of transcription and translation into algorithms to ensure the closest correlation between experiment and prediction.

Dr. Martin Kollmar
CEO and Founder

Dr. Dominic Simm
CTO and Co-Founder
Technology and Science
Based on our experience in annotating tens of thousands of sequences across the tree of life we have completely re-designed thinking and representation of sequence data. Don't worry, what you will get for your research are slices of the data in familiar file formats so that compatibility with existing tools is maintained.

Göttingen County Innovation Award 2021
We are very proud to have won the renowned Innovation Award of the District of Göttingen in the category Founders/Young Entrepreneurs! The Innovation Award was awarded already the 19th time and this year had a record number of participants of 124 companies. From the 52 companies with great innovations in our category, we were selected for 1st place by a jury of experts from business, research, culture and social affairs.
For our company presentation, we were able to shoot an image video with Soenke Westphal from Filmschmiede Göttingen.
Frank Beckenbach from the Göttinger Tageblatt reported on our innovation and our young company. The special supplement can be downloaded here (in German only).
DurchSTARTer Award of the State of Lower Saxony 2021
We are pleased to have won the 2nd prize in the category "Life Science" at the DurchSTARTer Prize 2021 of the State of Lower Saxony! The award ceremony was very entertaining and we had many interesting and intensive discussions with the present startups, NBank and startup.niedersachsen, despite the Corona-related exclusion of audiences.
The company presentation was prepared by branding and creative agency B&B Hannover.